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(S2-02) Luke John-Lee (17) Matthew Goh (18) Ben Ng (19) Ryan Sio (20)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day 2: End-of-Day Reflection

  1. What have you done today? - We built a tower and challenged with the rest of the classes' towers. We also learnt how to use  Keynote.
  2. How have your grown from today's activities? - I have learnt that teamwork is essential in finishing the task at hand.
  3. How should you behave when doing groupwork? - We should work like a group, like "group work" implies.
  4. Why are there differences of opinions? - We have differences as we are human beings and we think differently, so we need to find a common thinking to work out our differences and complete the task.
  5. Why are you happy to be a member of your class? - Yes, it is an opportunity of a life-time and I feel happy as not all the people that applied for SST entered, so I feel honored to have such a chance.

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